kimberly f. sellers
I teach undergraduate and graduate (Masters level) courses in an effort to interest and excite students about the power and significance of statistics (no pun intended). My teaching philosophy revolves around an organized class format and structure, interaction with the students (both in and outside of the classroom), and overall general conduct. In some of my courses, I further incorporate real-world training by having students complete a data analytic project in lieu of a final examination. Through these efforts, both the students and I can feel proud of the accomplishments and progress made as a result of a well-organized and interesting course.
Technology In and Outside of the Classroom
I maintain a digital course management system to supply a detailed semester schedule (including deadlines) where students can access and download my lecture notes, homework assignments and solutions, relevant data, project materials, etc. All courses use the statistical computing software, R. I further use technology to remain in contact with students, monitor their progress, anticipate points of confusion, address misunderstandings, and provide follow-up notes to resolve any misconceptions or diculties; this includes conducting class lectures via an online video conferencing service to maintain instructional continuity when necessary (e.g. inclement weather).